Tag: Custom Furniture

Advantages of Custom Furniture

The advantages of custom furniture over mass produced furniture are numerous and significant.

We live in an age in which mass-produced furniture is the norm in the United States and across the globe. Some people look at this phenomenon and wish there was a better way to furnish their home or commercial property. If you are one of those people I have good news for you. There is… Read more »

Keep Your Home Feeling Cozy this Winter

As the winter months settle in, there’s a natural desire to create a warm and inviting atmosphere within our homes. Many of us are looking for ways to keep your home feeling cozy this winter. Transforming your living space into a cozy haven can make the chilly weather more enjoyable. There are many changes you… Read more »

Brooklyn in August

Brooklyn is a wonderful place to live or visit any time of the year, and August is a particularly GREAT time to be in Brooklyn! The borough is known for its diverse neighborhoods, cultural events, outdoor activities, and warm weather during this month. There is so much going on during August in Brooklyn, here are… Read more »

Home Textile and Color Trends for 2023

Vertical Green Wall in a living room interior

As difficult as it is to believe, the winter of 2022 is upon us. We find ourselves looking ahead to 2023 with great anticipation. We have all spent a lot more of our time at home since 2020 and, because of that, we’ve had a great deal of time to contemplate our surroundings. Howard’s Upholstery… Read more »

What is Slow Furniture? Why it’s Worth the Investment

Slow furniture is made by hand and higher quality than mass-produced furniture.

Slow furniture refers to furniture that is not mass-produced but rather made by a craftsperson slowly and carefully, ensuring a higher quality product with less waste. We live in an age of mass production in basically all industries, including furniture. If you’ve ever heard someone say, “They don’t make them like they used to,” they… Read more »

The Top Three Benefits of Custom Furniture

Benefits of Slow Furniture

You may not think about getting custom furniture, especially if your budget is on the tighter side. However, if you need a piece of furniture to fit a very specific spot in your home, you may find the pros of going custom outweigh the cons. Sure, you’ll be paying for the labor and time that… Read more »